Many people are not aware that in June last year Wales became a fair trade nation but little is known about what actually makes a fair trade shop. I spent a few hours with Ruth Poole one of the directors and employees of Fair Do’s of Cardiff. Fair Do’s is a fair trade shop with ethically sourced products and is based in the Canton area of the city.
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Now a busy shop full of fair trade products ranging from chocolate to wooden craft gifts and from pasta to clothing as well as employing five members of staff; all who are supported by a team of volunteers. Throughout the years Ruth has seen growth in popularity of ethically sourced products and the fair trade movement

More than just a shop?
The shop was founded by Jan Tucker who is not only often behind the till at her shop, she is heavily involved various fair trade initiatives across Wales. These include serving on the Wales Fair Trade Forum and being heavily involved in making Wales a fair trade nation.
As part of making Wales a fair trade nation there was a major emphasis on education. Fair Do’s is the home to a lot of material used by Fair Trade Wales to educate school children in the Cardiff area. With Jan’s connection and Fair Do’s popularity it is fair to suggest the shop is a key figure in fair trade products.
Events are also held at the shop to educate various groups about fair trade and ethical shopping.
What is fair trade?
Well the products stocked in the shop are sourced from the suppliers approved by the British Association of Fair Trade Shops. This means the suppliers have been grante

Ruth Poole feels the most popular products in the shop are the craft gifts as similar products aren't easy to find. Perhaps their most impressive crafts are a selection of Zimbabwean pottery currently displayed in the shop window (right).
So then...expensive?
There is often criticism about how expensive ethically sourced products are to buy; Ruth said they often get criticism over the price of their Zimbabwean pottery. Yet, as it is hand painted and imported into the country she says the prices (for example £16 for these plates left) is a fair price.

In her experience Ruth says over the years prices are coming more into line with non-ethically sourced products. This is part of the reason why buying ethical products is becoming more fashionable. Fair Do’s have around 50 different suppliers now – another sign of the growth of the company and also the expansion of fair trade products nowadays. I was curious as to whether emotive television coverage about under paid workers; Ruth said although she has not precise figures, they do notice a small rise in sales after television programs based on ethical products or the opposite.
The past, future and hippies…
Every now and again I hear people campaigning for fair trade p

Ruth admitted that when the shop moved 10 years ago she hoped it would be successful but didn’t expect it to have been as popular as it has become today. Her hope for the future is that everything becomes fair trade with all workers being paid a fair wage.
…many thanks to Ruth Poole and Fair Do’s for allowing me to interview them and take photos of the shop.
Hear more from Ruth here...